Bataan world war II
The Bataan World War II Museum is uniquely but strategically located at the back of Balanga Elementary School. The museum was built as a tribute to our fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in 1942. It showcases tragic tidbits about the mentioned war, specially the horrendous Bataan Death March where thousands of Filipino and American soldiers perished.

This is where Major General Edward P. King Jr. surrendered the American and Filipino forces to the Japanese to prevent further destruction and loss of lives. Visitors will be able to see structures and dioramas about the war. A short video offers snippets about the events that unfolded. Moreover, a diorama features doll figures portraying the torture and pain soldiers had to endure.
There is also an old toilet adjacent the museum which has been turned into a torture chamber. This room was preserved and remained untouched. The surrender site monument is found within the vicinity of the musuem. It features the life – sized statue of Major General Edward King when he signed the document of surrender to Japan on April 9, 1942. A visit to this place will refresh your memory about the fateful events during the Second World War.